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Hi all. You may be wondering who or what is Scatty? Well Scatty is a cat who likes only one person and one person only. Therefore whatever I do or wherever I am at home, Scatty needs to be involved. Rarely do I spend any time in the kitchen when Scatty isn't getting under my feet and demanding attention. A little tip when looking for specific recipes...use the search button with terms like salads, desserts, etc. to find recipes under each category. I will endeavour to stick to this format. Most of these recipes have been taken or adapted from books and I will try to recognise the original author whenever possible. Where something is a little more original, I have a tendency to add a dash of this or a pinch of that... quantities and specifics are not my strong point. I will attempt to be more specific :-)

Sunday 24 April 2011

DESSERT: Spicy fruit and chocolate bread and butter pudding

This is a fantastic way to use up leftovers or bits of stale fruit buns or hot cross buns. It's pretty flexible in terms of what you add to it so just use this as a guide. This version made last night was not very custardy so next time I would probably add more milk and/or eggs. Just makes sure that the bread is well covered with the custard mix. This is how I made it last night...

4 spicy fruit buns - slice into approx 4 pieces
Chocolate spread (ie Nutella)
3 eggs
Milk - I didn't measure but probably 200 - 300 ml
3 dessert spoons caster sugar
1 dessert spoon cocoa powder
A handful of raisins
2 dessert spoons Pedro Ximenez sherry.

Lightly grease a casserole dish with butter. Spread the pieces of fruit bun with chocolate spread and layer into the casserole with additional raisins between layers.

Whisk eggs, caster sugar, milk, cocoa (I would recommend dissolving the cocoa in a small amount of hot water first as otherwise it is likely to go lumpy) and Pedro X (or brandy). Pour the custard over the bread and push bread down so everything gets soaked. Leave to soak for at least 1 hour.

Cook in a water bath (this keeps the bottom of the pudding more custardy) for approx 45 minutes on 180 deg.

Personally I love hot chocolate puddings with vanilla ice cream but in the absence of ice cream or cream last night we found it was pretty good on its own too. :-) Serves 3 - 4.


Add a different liquor
Use any bread /. croissants etc and add fruit and spices according to taste
Add orange zest

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