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Hi all. You may be wondering who or what is Scatty? Well Scatty is a cat who likes only one person and one person only. Therefore whatever I do or wherever I am at home, Scatty needs to be involved. Rarely do I spend any time in the kitchen when Scatty isn't getting under my feet and demanding attention. A little tip when looking for specific recipes...use the search button with terms like salads, desserts, etc. to find recipes under each category. I will endeavour to stick to this format. Most of these recipes have been taken or adapted from books and I will try to recognise the original author whenever possible. Where something is a little more original, I have a tendency to add a dash of this or a pinch of that... quantities and specifics are not my strong point. I will attempt to be more specific :-)

Sunday 24 April 2011

DESSERT: Chocolate Caramel Tart

This was a bit of an experiment and an amalgamation of a couple of recipes I have used before. It is very rich. I found that in this version the caramel was a bit grainy which I didn't like particularly, so if you have a better caramel recipe by all means substitute (or be more careful than I was when making it!!)


1 packet oreo cookies - crushed
Melted butter to moisten - I start with about 100g but don't add it all at once because you don't want the base too buttery... add about half and then gradually to moisten.

Press into a plastic wrap lined tart tin or springform tin and chill.


1 tin sweetened condensed milk
2 Tbsp golden syrup
30g butter

Melt all ingredients together then bring to the boil and simmer gently for 5 minutes or until golden. Cool slightly then pour over the chocolate cookie base and chill.

Chocolate Ganache:

250g dark chocolate
300ml cream
1 tsp vanilla

Bring cream and vanilla to boil then tip over the roughly chopped chocolate and stir until chocolate has melted and the cream and chocolate are amalgamated. Tip into a bowl to cool, then pour over the caramel.

Roughly chop SKOR candy bars (if available - they stock them at our local dairy). I used 3 bars for this recipe. Scatter bits of skor bar over the chocolate and chill. You may wish to freeze to set then take out of the freezer 30 minutes prior to serving.

I found that the chocolate didn't set particularly well in the time frame I had. In the future I would possibly reduce the amount of cream in the ganache to get a better set.

Serve with whipped cream if desired.

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